5 Moves to Get a Bubble Butt

Quick butt workout for busy women.

Regimens that last 4 to 10 minutes are just as beneficial as lengthier workouts. The goal is to do the exercises with proper form, rest for the appropriate amount of time, and repeat the routine three times each week. The 5 Moves to Get a Bubble Butt workout targets the gluteal muscles, lifting, rounding, and building them.

What you'll need: a yoga mat or a soft surface; a stable chair or desk; and an interval timer.

What to do: Follow the regimen below for the duration and circuit that is appropriate for your fitness level.

Beginner Workout: Do the circuit once a week, three times a week, and progressively increase until you can do two circuits at once. Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, then take a 15-second break before moving on to the next.

Beginner Workout: Do the circuit once a week, three times a week, and progressively increase until you can do two circuits at once. Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, then take a 15-second break before moving on to the next.

Intermediate to Advanced Workout: Three times a week, complete two circuits. Perform each exercise for one minute, then take a 30-second break between circuits.


1. Single Leg Bridge (each leg: 30 seconds for beginners, 1 minute for intermediates and advanced)
2. Lunges on either side alternately
3. Squats using the whole body
4. Alternate side leg raises while squatting
5. Jump Squat

1. Single Leg Bridge

2. Lunges on either side alternately

3. Squats using the whole body

4. Alternate side leg raises while squatting

5. Jump Squat

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